Angkor Tuk Tuk Travel

The Great Lake Tonle Sap in Siem Reap

Cambodia is a Kingdom Of Cambodia and there are many property like Angkor Wat temple, Mountain, waterfall, River, andespecially a great lake Tonle Sap. There are five provinces circled the area of Tonle Sap Lake. More than Three million of population inhabited around the bank of the lake and 90% of them earn a living by catching fish and making agricultures. The lake is the largest fresh water in South East Asia. Its dimension changes depending on the monsoon and dry season. During raining season from June to October, the lake is filled by water flowing from the Mekong with 14 meters in depth and expands the surface of 10,000 square kilometers with two meters in depth and water flows out from the lake to the Mekong in and out flowing is the natural phenomenon occurrence. The flooded forest surrounding the edge of the lake is the best shelter and also very important for all kinds of fishes spawned and breeding babies. This lake providing many of biodiversities, over 300 species of fresh water fishes, as well as snake, crocodiles, tortoises, turtles, and otters. More than 100 varieties water birds including storks, pelicans, etc.

The lake is also an important commercial resource, providing more than half of the fish consumed in Cambodia. In harmony with the specialized ecosystems the human occupations at the edge of the lake is similarly distinctive floating Village towering stilted houses, huge fish traps, and an economy and way of life deeply intertwined with the lake the fish the wild life and the cycles of rising and falling waters. The lake located about 15km south of Siem Reap town, you can make your journey from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh by express boat crossing the lake and dock at the village of Chong Kneas. It’s take only  6 hours but this trip we may recommend you during monsoon season, in dry season the boat sometimes stuck in mud because the water is low. There are several ways to see the culture and wildlife of the lake area depending on the amount of time you have and your interest.

Chong Kneas is the name of famous floating village at the edge of the lake. It located at southern part of Siem Reap town about 15km, and takes only 30 minutes by vehicles or tuk tuk to the boat dock where there are always boats waiting for visitors the boat trip through the floating village takes approximately two hours. You will explore the different of Khmer, Muslim and Vietnames floating households and the floating markets fisheries clinics, school, basketball course, pigsty and other boatloads of tourists.

Chong Kneas was before very interesting but now region is owned by private firm they did increasing prices and the area looks more commercial. The boat trip usually includes tow stops. One at a touristy floating fish and bird exhibition with a souvenir and snake shop. And the other at the very highly recommended Gecko Environment Center, which offers displays and information introducing the ecology and biodiversity  of the lake area.

* For more detail about trip to visit Floating Village (Chong Kneas dock) please Click Here

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